Tea & Talk On Tuesday Night's

A virtual get together for mamas that are ready to shift their narratives and become the change they wish to see.

Join us once a month on Tuesday nights for a soul fulfilling experience that will nourish your heart and inspire you to shift your ways of thinking, feeling, and living.

We are on a mission to transform how women view themselves and their circumstances. We believe that children are asking us for a new way of being, and it is up to us to heal our hurts, open our hearts, and become the most authentic versions of ourselves so that we can lead with strength and encourage the world to become a better place.

We are the mirrors of life for our children; how we live is unconsciously ingrained within their being. This is why understanding ourselves is vital; we cannot be someone we do not like or love and expect our children to see themselves or their lives any differently.

Change begins with us; it's going within and understanding you. It's awakening to your triggers and learning to work with them rather than against them. It's slowing down and enjoying the little moments. It's finding that balance between nurturing others and nurturing yourself. It's declaring your desires and committing to the process, no matter how hard or impossible it may feel.

This is where the wild moms grow; the ones who have been broken, who have failed, and who have lost themselves a thousand times. We are here to release past problems and be set free, to weather the storms, strengthen your roots, plant new seeds, and allow fresh blooms to blossom within your family's fields.

Grab your tea and come join our community!

Date will vary, so stay posted by following us on Instagram @wherethewildmomsgrow or find us on Facebook under Where the Wild Moms Grow!